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Flor de lótus com sete pétalas simbolizando cuide-se integralmente.


Integrative Aesthetics is the harmony of biological conditions with mental, emotional and energetic conditions as part of human history. Being healthy or having an illness is not only related to biological imbalance. It has to do with the lifestyle, beliefs, and attitudes towards life. Health is not just the absence of disease. It is a broader well-being, which permeates the self-esteem and self-care that each one has for themself.

Integrative, Intuitive and Natural Aesthetics is the expression of the most genuine form of beauty. Respect the individual characteristics, the innate beauty with a non-invasive care, with natural ingredients. Intuition guides the aesthetic process, through the wisdom that each one already has in them. 

Serviços que podem auxiliar seu autocuidado integral

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